1 minute


Strawberries and Cream, Wimbledon

Strawberries and cream: a quaint tradition and a symbol of British summer! 

Served in Wimbledon in 1877, the oldest tennis tournament, they are quintessentially British!

Each year over 34 000 kilos of Kent strawberries and 10 000 litres of cream are sold to amateurs of grass tennis!

There's no English summer without strawberries and cream served with a glass of pink champagne or Pimm's or iced tea. 

Here's the very simple recipe:

For one cup:

  • 3 strawberries
  • 2 cups of cream, cold
  • 2 tsp of vanilla extract
  • 2 tsp white sugar
  • Fresh mint leaves 


Wash and dry the strawberries and remove the leaves and stalks.  

In a large bowl, whip the cream and add vanilla and sugar until it becomes ferm. Do not whip for too long or the cream will be more like butter ! 

"Dollop a scoop" of whipped cream in the bowl, add a handful of strawberries and place a mint leaf on top. 

Enjoy, you'll become an addict!